What are some things that most people get wrong about Russia?

Many believe that Napoleon and Hitler's invasions of Russia failed solely due to the harsh winters. While winter played a part, their downfall was more complex.

Both leaders invaded during the summer, aware of Russia's brutal winters. But they underestimated the vastness of the country and the logistical challenges involved.

Napoleon's massive army in 1812 was gradually worn down by Russia's strategy of retreat and scorched earth, leaving the French soldiers starving and demoralized. Winter further weakened them, but it was the combination of many factors, including disease, exhaustion, and poor tactics, that ultimately led to their disastrous retreat.

Similarly, Hitler's invasion in 1941 faced immense challenges due to Russia's vast territory and poor infrastructure. The fierce battles and harsh winter severely impacted the German army. However, the primary reasons for their defeat were the relentless Soviet resistance, overextended supply lines, and the sheer scale of the conflict.

The real lesson here is that invading Russia involves more than just overcoming its winter. Its vastness, challenging terrain, and resilient people make it a formidable opponent, no matter the season.

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