Make $50 in a week online

Can you make $30-$50 a day without doing selling?


Elon Musk one time said:”As a teenager you don’t have risks starting your bussines.Parents will be there for.

You have many ways to earn money without selling.

I’m earning $20-$40 from google adsense.I created a blogg about modern problems and our society.I made 40–50 articles about pollutions,fires,greenhouse effects,harmful gases…I signed to Google Adsense and get my website verified.You don’t need to pay money to make website.You can use Wordpress free website at start and from your first money you can buy hosting and domain and make your own websites as cool as you want.

It’s up to YOU,will you make the decision to start your own business or you will still ask your parents for money.


1.Website(Wordpress website is free)

2. 30–40 articles to get your blog verified by Google

3. Strong will to make your life better.

That’s it my friend I hope you learned soemthing from this little answer.Tehre is always space to learn more about everything but the main thing is to make ACTION.

Hope you liked this answer upvote would mean a lot to me and it would give me motivation to give more productive answers.

Until next time your Enes.

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